- Код: Выделить всё
HDDlg* __stdcall _HH_CloseDialog(HiHook *h, HDDlg *This, H3Msg *msg)
if (P_NewGameDlg)
auto hw = This->GetH3DlgItem(1001);
if (hw)
auto but = This->ItemAtPosition(msg);
if (but && but->GetID() == 1) // cancel button is id #2
sprintf(h3_TextBuffer, "At close time, state was %d", hw->CastDef()->GetFrame());
return THISCALL_2(HDDlg*, h->GetDefaultFunc(), This, msg);
void GetHWproc()
_PI->WriteHiHook((h3func)&vt->closeDlg, FUNCPTR_, THISCALL_, _HH_CloseDialog); // only hook run dialog from HW mod
Also the text doesn't show up if you don't use the HDmod fonts, make its height greater or reduce font size.
To get rid of toggling state - semi-press state is not used and do NOT use disable.
- Код: Выделить всё
int __stdcall _HH_RunDialog(HiHook *h, HDDlg *dlg, int a2)
auto ItemHWRules = dlg->GetH3DlgItem(1001);
if (P_NewGameDlg && ItemHWRules) // if we're in lobby
HWRulesOn = ItemHWRules->CastDef()->GetFrame();
int CheckBoxX = ItemHWRules->GetX() + 145;
if (!HWRulesOn)
GamePlayChangesOn = FALSE;
H3DlgCustomButton *FlagCheckBox = dlg->CreateCustomButton(CheckBoxX, ItemHWRules->GetY(), CheckBoxID, "ChkBlue.def", MyButtonProc, GamePlayChangesOn, GamePlayChangesOn);
if (ItemHWRules->IsEnabled()) {
sprintf(h3_TextBuffer, "{Gameplay changes (FreshMod %s)}", VerInfo);
IsHost = true;
else {
sprintf(h3_TextBuffer, "{Gameplay changes (FreshMod %s)}", VerInfo);
IsHost = false;
dlg->CreateText(CheckBoxX + 41, ItemHWRules->GetY() + 6, 200, 25, h3_TextBuffer, MEDIUM_TEXT, TEXT_REGULAR, 0, 0);
return THISCALL_2(int, h->GetDefaultFunc(), dlg, a2); // run dialog
int __fastcall MyButtonProc(H3MsgCustom *msg)
if (msg->IsLeftClick())
H3DlgCustomButton *b = (H3DlgCustomButton*)msg->GetDlg()->GetH3DlgItem(CheckBoxID);
auto ItemHWRules = (H3DlgCustomButton*)msg->GetDlg()->GetH3DlgItem(1001);
if (!ItemHWRules->CastDef()->GetFrame()) {
return 1;
if (b) {
else if (msg->IsRightClick())
sprintf(h3_TextBuffer, "Flag state is %d", GamePlayChangesOn);
return 1;