I would like to ask some more questions.
1. It would be nice, also to show killscount from METEOR_SHOWER, FIREBALL, INFERNO, etc, in the battle.
I can do it myself, i just need to know how to get the list of selected H3CombatMonster by spell.
2. Do I understand correctly that all spells of all GM levels in each city are generated at the start of the game, not at the moment building? Where's the place?
3. I found that HW-Rules calls "Town_IsStructureBuilt_4305A0" to check maximum GM level of the town.
I did that HiHook:
- Код: Выделить всё
signed int __stdcall Town_IsStructureBuilt(HiHook* hook, int this1, int a2, char a3){
//a2 = building ID
if ((a2 == 2 || a2 == 3 || a2 == 4) && (a3 == 1))
return 1;
return THISCALL_3(signed int, hook->GetDefaultFunc(), this1, a2, a3);
And rebuild from any level works fine, without dll parsing.
Could there be any original calls to this function that will now works wrong?
I do not remember such.
4. If dll configuration is Debug. There is a mistake after heroes meet in town:
These calls of town screen update causes that:
- Код: Выделить всё
CALL_1(void, __thiscall, 0x5D5930, o_TownMgr);
CALL_1(void, __thiscall, 0x5D5810, o_TownMgr);
Can it be fixed?
5. Last Fresh mod versions don't work, on some computers, without this install Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013:
https://www.microsoft.com/ru-RU/downloa ... x?id=40784Moreover, Fresh mod 1,2 works without it.
Can it be fixed from my side?