Данный раздел содержит описания всех официальных карт из базовой версии игры и двух дополнений. Позже будет добавлена возможность скачать русскоязычный вариант карт.
У карт всё те же четыре возможных размера, что и в Героях 2. У многих карт есть второй, подземный уровень. Игроки на карте могут быть поделены на любое разумное число команд. Вариантов условия победы стало 12 против 5 в предыдущей части (или 6, если считать отдельным условие «победа над вражеской командой»).
Изображение |
Название, описание, условия игры |
Изображение — подземный уровень |
Маленькие карты (S | M | 36×36) |
This map is an excellent place for beginners to learn the ropes, and for experienced players to see some of what’s new.
Эта карта — отличное место, где начинающие игроки узнают основы, а опытные — увидят кое-что из новинок. |
Запускается как «Новая Игра/Обучение». |
Barbarian Breakout
Build up your forces before the Barbarians break out of isolation and try to overrun you. Beware, they’re tougher than you think, so some team work might be in order.
Прорыв Варваров
Соберите свои войска прежде, чем Варвары вырвутся из изоляции и попытаются разгромить вас. Берегитесь, они сильнее, чем вы думаете, и некоторые совместные действия могут быть полезными. |
Barbarian Breakout (Allies)
Build up your forces before the Barbarians break out of isolation and try to overrun you. Beware, they’re tougher than you think, so some team work might be in order.
Прорыв Варваров (Союзники)
Соберите свои войска прежде, чем Варвары вырвутся из изоляции и попытаются разгромить вас. Берегитесь, они сильнее, чем вы думаете, и некоторые совместные действия могут быть полезными. |
Dead and Buried
Who do you want to fight first? The dead, or the buried?
Мёртвый и Зарытый
С кем вы хотите сразиться первым? С мёртвым или с зарытым? |
Good to Go
In an effort to reduce the frequency of wars between the various nations, the Emperor has set aside a small region to be used as a battleground to settle differences between quarreling Lords. Your castle starts fully constructed so that you may concentrate on defeating your opponent. Good luck!
К Бою Готовы
Стремясь уменьшить число войн между различными народами, Император выделил небольшой регион, чтобы он служил полем боя, где выясняют отношения враждующие Лорды. Ваш замок уже полностью отстроен, поэтому вы можете сосредоточиться на том, чтобы победить своего противника. Удачи! |
Key to Victory
A war is about to occur and the two forces are separated only by a heavily guarded mountain pass.
Ключ к Победе
Вот-вот начнётся война, а две армии разделяет лишь хорошо охраняемый горный перевал. |
Judgment Day
Legend has it that the fabled Sword of Judgment rests somewhere in these caverns. Three Dungeon Overlords have vowed to find it, for he who controls the Sword, controls all.
Судный День
Легенда гласит, что знаменитый Меч Правосудия лежит где-то в этих пещерах. Трое Подземных Властелинов поклялись отыскать его, ведь тот, кто владеет Мечом — владеет всем. |
Knee Deep in the Dead
You awaken to a world greatly changed. Zombies are everywhere. You appear to be Knee Deep in the Dead.
По Колено в Мертвецах
Вы проснулись в сильно изменившемся мире. Повсюду зомби. Вы, кажется, по Колено в Мертвецах. |
Manifest Destiny
The neighboring lands have become increasingly more crowded. Only one kingdom is fit to rule the others. It is time to show the other petty nobles it is your manifest destiny to rule this land.
Явное Предначертание
Соседствующие земли становятся всё более перенаселёнными. Только одно королевство годится, чтобы управлять остальными. Пора показать всей этой мелочной знати, что ваше правление предначертано судьбой. |
Dungeon Keeper
You are the evil Dungeon Overlord, master of all that is dark and insidious. Your master has determined it is time to have your evil seep into the lands above and destroy those fools happily residing in Pleasantville.
Elbow Room
This world ain’t big enough for all of us.
Elbow Room (Allies)
This world ain’t big enough for all of us.
Fort Noxis
Fort Noxis, your main money-maker is under siege! Defend it long enough for reinforcements to arrive (and take out the threat) or lose it and forfeit the game.
For years the people of this land have been too dependent on each other. You have finally decided that it is time to declare your freedom and become an independent nation. Unfortunately your neighbors are thinking the same thing.
Irrational Hostility
Over the years there has been peace. The lack of war has weakened your armies and brought the morale of your kingdom down. It is time to liven things up….well, get to work.
All of your six neighbors have declared a Jihad against you and each other, but you have been patient until the signs, omens and priests have agreed it is the proper time. Now you have declared the seventh and final Jihad against your enemies. You will sweep them away like a vast desert sandstorm.
Sands of Blood
Your land has plenty of sand and even gold. Rumors abound of precious resources hidden beneath the ground. Surely the first Lord to plunder the resources under the ground will be able to dominate his neighbors.
The Newcomers
Over the past year there has been a tremendous growth problem. Twelve towns now crowd the already dense Magarian hills. The resources this land has given you are scarcely low. These new towns are taking away what is rightfully your land. You must join the fight and get rid of these towns.
Times Up
For years and years the people of this land have been on the brink of war. Now the time has come. Eliminate your enemies and take control of the land that longs to be yours.
The King’s son has chosen a maiden’s hand to take in marriage. The wedding will commence in six months. Everyone in the land is overjoyed about the upcoming event. Well, almost everyone.
A Terrible Rumor
The two lords of Shireton, the Guardians as they are called, are rumored to have sided with the denizens of The Underworld against the King. If true, you must bring about the destruction of the Guardians and venture into the deep of the underworld to end the ever-present threat from below.
A Warm and Familiar Place
A competition has begun between two lesser lords of Hell to become King of the Familiars.
Adventures of Jared Haret
Can Jared Haret, renowned explorer, make his way home from the dark catacombs in which he finds himself lost?
Once, centuries ago, the world was at peace. Four cultures lived in harmony and freely associated with each other. Then you came into power and realized things would be better for you if you took over the entire world.
Arrogance (Allies)
Once, centuries ago, the world was at peace. Four cultures lived in harmony and freely associated with each other. Then you came into power and realized things would be better for you if you took over the entire world.
Chasing A Dream
You and two other young and upcoming heroes were given the chance to earn land and a Border Lord title in a contest held by a great lord. To earn your title you must defeat your two opponents.
For months it has been raining. The excess water has washed away most of your land and separated your kingdom. Now two other factions have risen up to take control of what was once yours. This uprising shall not be tolerated! You must take control of your land once again.
Dwarven Gold
Dwarven gold madness swept the region when Invis Smythers (renowned Dwarven miner) hit the jackpot and found a vein worth 75,000 gold pieces. Local lords have started mounting expeditions. The first Lord to acquire 75,000 gold pieces wins.
For Sale
A rich lord has put his beautiful kingdom up for sale. While fighting off your opponents, you are to raise the money to purchase the kingdom before they do. There is one catch: you cannot lose your home town.
Last Chance
Your King, tired of the constant skirmishing between the Lords in your region, has decided only one Lord should be in control. And whether the King or the Lords themselves choose that one, blood will surely flow.
Last Chance (Allies)
Your King, tired of the constant skirmishing between the Lords in your region, has decided to half the number of Lords in the area. And whether the King or the Lords themselves decide, blood will surely flow.
Too Many Monsters
Monsters have been attacking every town in the kingdom, so the king has offered an award to any lord who can plant their flag at every creature habitat so that the monsters will be forced to live under the rule of law.
Средние карты (M | С | 72×72) |
All for One
Three life-long friends become enemies when each inherits a portion of the kingdom following the King’s death. You must show your former friends how to rule… through conquest.
Все за Одного
Три старых друга становятся врагами, когда после смерти Короля каждый наследует свою долю королевства. Вы должны показать своим бывшим друзьям, как следует править… завоевав их. |
Three Lords, three regions. Each region is easy to hold, yet difficult to invade. Do you have what it takes to expand your borders and be rid of your pesky neighbors forever?
Три Властителя, три региона. Каждый из регионов легко удержать, но трудно захватить. Хватит ли у вас сил расширить свои границы и навсегда избавиться от ваших надоедливых соседей? |
Buried Treasure
The Titan’s Gladius has finally been located after vanishing from this region for centuries. Unfortunately, you’re not the only person with this information, and three other leaders have vowed to get there first!
Погребённое Сокровище
Гладиус Титана, пропавший в этом регионе много веков назад, наконец был обнаружен. К сожалению, не вы одни получили эти сведения, и трое других предводителей поклялись добраться туда раньше! |
Crimson and Clover
Yesterday, while sailing along the shore of your homeland, a sudden fog appeared as if by magic. A few minutes after the fog appeared, your ship ran aground and was wrecked. The fog suddenly vanished, revealing a nearby unoccupied castle. Is this some sort of game?
Багрянец и Клевер
Вчера, когда вы плыли на корабле вдоль родных берегов, внезапно, как по волшебству, сгустился туман. Через несколько минут после появления тумана ваш корабль сел на мель и разбился. Туман вдруг рассеялся, открыв взору незанятый замок поблизости. Это что, какая-то игра? |
Crimson and Clover (Allies)
Yesterday, while sailing along the shore of your homeland, a sudden fog appeared as if by magic. A few minutes after the fog appeared, your ship ran aground and was wrecked. The fog suddenly vanished, revealing a nearby unoccupied castle. Is this some sort of game?
Багрянец и Клевер (Союзники)
Вчера, когда вы плыли на корабле вдоль родных берегов, внезапно, как по волшебству, сгустился туман. Через несколько минут после появления тумана ваш корабль сел на мель и разбился. Туман вдруг рассеялся, открыв взору незанятый замок поблизости. Это что, какая-то игра? |
Divided Loyalties
The once friendly surface dwellers have declared war against each other, thus dragging the underground lords to do likewise. Take over all enemy castles to claim victory.
Разделённая Верность
Дружившие когда-то жители поверхности пошли друг на друга войной, втянув в неё и властителей подземелий. Захватите все вражеские замки, чтобы победить. |
Divided Loyalties (Allies)
The once friendly surface dwellers have declared war against each other, thus dragging the underground lords to do likewise. Take over all of the oppositng side’s castles to claim victory.
Разделённая Верность (Союз)
Дружившие когда-то жители поверхности пошли друг на друга войной, втянув в неё и властителей подземелий. Захватите все замки противоборствующей стороны, чтобы победить. |
Dragon Orb
The Dragon Lords in this region will support the ruler who finds the Sphere of Permanence or defeats all other lords in this realm. In either case you will become the true ruler of this land.
Сфера Дракона
Повелители Драконов этого региона поддержат того правителя, который найдёт Сферу Устойчивости или победит всех прочих властителей в королевстве. И в том, и в другом случае вы станете истинным правителем этой земли. |
Emerald Isles
The Emerald Isles lie along a major shipping route, which several Barons each seek to control for themselves. You have been chosen to ‘persuade’ the others to give up their claims.
Emerald Isles (Allies)
The Emerald Isles lie along a major shipping route, which several Barons each seek to control for themselves. You and your ally have chosen to ‘persuade’ the others to give up their claims.
Island of Fire
The Devil Memphos and his hordes have taken up residence on the Isle to the southeast, destroy him before his influence corrupts the entire region.
Остров Огня
На Острове к юго-востоку обосновался Дьявол Мемфос и его полчища. Уничтожьте его, пока его влияние не осквернило весь регион. |
Knight of Darkness
A terrible necromancer rules over this land and the Queen has charged you to destroy him.
Рыцарь Тьмы
Этой страной правит ужасный некромант, и Королева приказала вам его уничтожить. |
Overthrow Thy Neighbors
The good, the bad, and the over crowded.
The Elven city Sharath has become hostile to the surrounding lords after the sixth border dispute in the last month. Take over Sharath to end the dispute.
There are islands in the Sea of Prosperity that are the homes for some vicious pirates. You have been sent with a small contingent of troops to take one of the castles and establish a base with which to cleanse the region of these accursed Corsairs.
Realm of Chaos
Good wishes to destroy Evil, the Neutrals just want everything for themselves, and Evil wants to destroy the world! Of course, everyone has their own plans on how to accomplish their devious plans…
Realm of Chaos (Allies)
Good wishes to destroy Evil, the Neutrals just want everything for themselves, and Evil wants to destroy the world! Of course, every team has their own plan on how to rid themself of the other sides…
The peasants are revolting, just when you need them to fight a war. The only hope for peace lies in finding the Grail.
Rumble in the Bogs
A classic case of the grass being greener on the other side, you must first dispose of your pesky neighbor, then slog across a swamp to claim the riches that wait for you beyond.
Rumble in the Bogs (Allies)
A classic case of the grass being greener on the other side, you and your ally must first dispose of your pesky swamp neighbor, then slog across a swamp to claim the riches that wait for you beyond.
Search For The Grail
Somewhere lost in the area is the Grail. You have been charged with locating and retrieving it. Beware, as the minions of your enemies are also searching for it.
When Dragons Clash
In the war of Good vs. Evil, someone must eventually win, but victory here relies on your ability to control the creatures of this land.
Wings of War
Griffins have been running amok. It seems that the Griffin King has plans to take over the world… you need to show him otherwise.
Darwin’s Prize
With four lords fighting for control of the area only the fittest will survive. Destroy the other lords before they crush you under their bootheel. You will have to fight at least one, possibly two, other lord for precious resources so move quickly or lose the initiative.
Darwin’s Prize(Allies)
Two lords hold the coast, and the prized access to the ocean and all it’s bounties. Joining together the two lords who are landlocked have attacked the two lords who charge outrageous prices for access to the ocean. They have banded together in order to keep out the invaders.
Dawn of War
It has been rumored that the barbarians have been preparing for war for quite a while. Today looks to be like the day they have been waiting for. They have launched an attack upon the cities and now war is breaking out everywhere. It is up to you and only you to take control.
Dragon Pass
Dragon pass — a source of conflict for generations due to its artifacts and being resource rich. Get to the pass and plunder it quickly, then take out your enemies.
Dragon Pass (Allies)
Dragon pass — a source of conflict for generations due to its artifacts and being resource rich. After the pass is reached and easily plundered, team up with your ally and take out your opponents to win the game.
Dwarven Tunnels
Ancient tunnels dug by the dwarves have long since been infested by creatures of all sorts. Steep mountains and thick forests block the path to your enemies, but these old tunnels may prove very useful in conquering the world.
Dwarven Tunnels (Allies)
Ancient tunnels dug by the dwarves have long since been infested by creatures of all sorts. Steep mountains and thick forests block the path to your enemies and your ally, but these old tunnels may prove very useful in conquering the world.
The elves are weak and need your brand of leadership . . . harsh and cruel. Gather your forces and kill em all.
Gelea’s Champions
You have been invaded by warlords from another world. The time has come to strike back. The only problem is that someone else from your world wants to rule everything, including your world.
Gelea’s Champions (Allies)
You and your ally have been invaded by warlords from another world. The time has come to strike back.
The Great War has been waging for quite some time now. With all of the greater troops fighting the war far away, only the smaller troops with the older heroes are left to defend the homelands. Wisely use the hoards of wiene troops to defend your lands.
Hoard (Allies)
The Great War has been waging for quite some time now. With all of the greater troops fighting the war far away, only the smaller troops with the older heroes are left to defend the homelands. Wisely use the hoards of wienie troops to defend your lands.
Holding the Middle
The middle city is not too hard to get to, but can you hold it long enough to build a Capitol?
Ready or Not
A war is coming… ready or not. Your enemies are charging… ready or not. You’ll have to win… ready or not. Otherwise, they’ll bury you… ready or not!
There has been no contact with anyone ever since the last war. It was decided by the lords that the people could use some solitude. After about a month of seclusion you and your people are going nuts. The time for isolation is over.
Step by Step
A harsh winter has separated what once was your kingdom. Now that the winter is over, it is time to take your kingdom back, step by step.
Step by Step (Allies)
A harsh winter has separated what once was your kingdom. Now that the winter is over, it is time to take your kingdom back, step by step.
The Challenge
The king has just announced that he is dying. Since he will only live for about another 6 months he has offered a challenge. The first person to build the grail structure in the capitol city, Osha, will be named as the king’s successor. The gauntlet has been thrown, are you up to the challenge.
Tovar’s Fortress
Tovar the pirate, Tovar the plunderer, and now Tovar the dead. A rumor has started that the infamous Tovar is dead and his fortune is up for grabs in his fortress. The local lords want it, but who will be the first to reach it?
Tovar’s Fortress (Allies)
Tovar the pirate, Tovar the plunderer, and now Tovar the dead. A rumor has started that the infamous Tovar is dead and his fortune is up for grabs in his fortress. The local lords want it, but who will be the first to reach it?
Treasure Hunt
Proving you worthy to be king will be easy. Claim all the mines of this land in your father’s name and you become the great leader of your father’s kingdom so he can retire.
Undead Unrest
Many undead from Castle Nightmare have broken loose and are rallying around the «Vampire’s Cowl». Find the Cowl to end the unrest among the undead.
Unexpected Inheritance
A great, great, great relative (who you had never heard of) died and left you his castle and estate. Apparently your relative and the nearest neighbor were at odds…
Valleys of War
You and your people have lived in your little valley for many years. After being here for so long, your people are getting restless. So you have decided to take an expedition out of your valley and into the world. Knowing that life isn’t always fair, you prepare for the worst.
And One For All
Four kings, four lands, one unified rebellion. Can you retake what was yours?
Carpe Diem
A few years back the Gods decided they no longer wanted any part in this world. Now there is total anarchy. Everybody blames everyone else for the gods abandoning them. While sitting in the throne room, you decided you are the only person fit to rule.
Carpe Diem (Allies)
A few years back the Gods decided they no longer wanted any part in this world. Now there is total anarchy. Everybody blames everyone else for the gods abandoning them. While sitting in the throne room, you and your ally decided you are the only people fit to rule.
Caught in the Middle (Allies)
For years and years two of the kingdom’s biggest landholders have been friends. At least they were before they bet on who had the most land. Now, neither of them will accept that they have less land, and they are at war. Which leaves you caught in the middle.
Goblins in the Pantry
A goblin village is the key to controlling this region, and you must sway them to your side before your opponents do.
Golems Aplenty
The wizards to the south have finally left their valley after a millennium of experimenting with golems. This leaves the local warring lords an opportunity to move in and grab the generators. If you can become the first lord to amass enough golems, you will have a definite advantage.
Golems Aplenty (Allies)
The wizards to the south have finally left their valley after a millennium of experimenting with golems. This leaves the local warring lords an opportunity to move in and grab the generators. If you can become the first lord to amass enough golems, you will have a definite advantage.
Gorlam’s Tentacle Swampland
Gorlam’s Tentacle Swampland has always been resource poor (probably why Gorlam left shortly after arriving). As one of two newly arrived factions, it is your job to secure all the resources in the region or be forced out.
Hatchet, Axe and Saw
Evil minions have a desperate need for wood and selected the small little villages of Dendroids for harvesting. A group of elves got wind of the plan and has moved in to stop them.
Heroes of Might, Not Magic
An evil sorcerer has siphoned all the magic from this land into his Vial of Dragon Blood. The only way to get the magic back is to unite all the towns in battle against him. However, each town thinks they can rule this land better than the other.
Heroes of Might, Not Magic (A)
An evil sorcerer has siphoned all the magic from this land into his Vial of Dragon Blood. The only way to get the magic back is to unite all the towns in battle against him. However, each town thinks they can rule this land better than the other.
Just A Visit
Recently the reclusive Emperor announced he would soon visit one of the four lords in his lands. Knowing that such a visit meant the Emperor wished to choose a successor, the four lords immediately went to war with each other to prove who was mighty enough to rule the land.
King of Pain
The King of Arule has gone mad and is eliminating his lords one by one. He plans to wipe them all out, believing them to be touched by evil. The king must be stopped and a new king put on the throne, but who will it be?
Marshland Menace
Your forefathers sealed off a great danger in the Northern Swamp. Now some of your greedy warlord neighbors are talking about razing the Border Guards to gain access to the mounds of treasure rumored to be scattered about the swamps.
Merchant Princes
A clash over the prices of resources results in a war of the merchant class. Money truly may be the root of all evil.
Merchant Princes (Allies)
A clash over the prices of resources results in a war of the merchant class. Money truly may be the root of all evil.
One Bad Day (Allies)
War has plagued this land for a long time. Now after years and years the war was going to come to an end with two arranged marriages. All was going relatively well until the brides and grooms, who did not agree with this arrangement, took off. Now their parents are fighting again, this time for good
Resource War
Through a fluke of nature the resources of this land are concentrated in many different areas. To avoid ruinous resource collection costs, you have allied yourself with a lord who has what you lack and lacks what you have. This alliance has upset your former resource suppliers.
Resource War (Allies)
Through a fluke of nature the resources of this land are concentrated in many different areas. To avoid ruinous resource collection costs, you have allied yourself with a lord who has what you lack and lacks what you have. This alliance has upset your former resource suppliers.
Rithen Falls
The fair maiden Lorel has just become of age, but her father can’t decide on a suitor for her. To ensure her husband will be able to provide for her, he has devised a contest. The first lord to capture the town of Rithen Falls will have Lorel’s hand in marriage
Файл с картой называется «Race for the Town.h3m». |
Sangraal’s Thief
After years of searching, you have finally found the Holy Grail, but last night one of your enemies stole it. You must return the Grail back to the town from which it was stolen and build the grail structure.
Sangraal’s Thief (Allies)
After years of searching, you have finally found the Holy Grail, but last night one of your enemies stole it. You must return the Grail back to the town from which it was stolen and build the grail structure.
Shadow Valleys
Your valley is too small for one of your stature and ambition. Fortunately, seizing your neighbors’ lands will expand your holdings suitably. Once you have destroyed all your neighbors in the valley, you can deal with the goody-two-shoes up on the mountain.
The Great Race
A nobleman’s marriage to the princess he loves has been cancelled due to her father’s fear of a dreadful prophecy told to him by an evil lord who also desires her hand. The horrified father has locked the girl away in a tower, so now it is a race to see whether the good nobleman can rescue her.
Является вариантом карты «Rithen Falls». |
Большие карты (L | Б | 108×108) |
Free for All
It’s you vs. your seven neighbors in this massive free-for-all, but you’ll need to convince others to help you, at least until you’re strong enough to stand on your own. Perfect for a backstabbing multiplayer game!
Все против Всех
В этой масштабной игре «все против всех» вам противостоят семеро ваших соседей, но придётся убедить других помогать вам хотя бы до тех пор, пока вы не наберётесь сил, чтобы действовать самостоятельно. Прекрасно подойдёт для многопользовательской игры с предательскими ударами в спину!
Islands and Caves
You own an island, as do three of your rivals. The King long ago forbade the use of boats to keep you out of trouble, but you have recently discovered a network of caves connecting all the islands. Mass your forces, and destroy your rivals once and for all!
Острова и Пещеры
Вы владеете островом, как и трое ваших соперников. Давным-давно, Король запретил использовать корабли, чтобы оградить вас от неприятностей, но вы недавно обнаружили сеть пещер, соединяющую все острова. Соберите войска и избавьтесь от соперников раз и навсегда!
The land of Carpatha has always been in turmoil, but what it really needs is a city in a central location to put an end to all the chaos. Take the middle city or defeat all other players to win the game.
В стране Карпата вечно творились беспорядки, но что на самом деле нужно, чтобы положить конец всему этому хаосу, — это город в центральной области. Займите центральный город или победите всех прочих игроков, чтобы выиграть.
Noah’s Ark
The great flood is coming, and only by controlling two of every creature dwelling can you hope to survive.
Southern Cross
Some say this chain of islands in the southern seas was created by the ancients as a gigantic calendar. Can you claim this region as your own?
The Five Rings
The Five Elemental Lords have chosen our world as a new home to reshape in their image. You must face each in turn to stop them.
Titan’s Winter
A terrible earthquake has torn apart the land. Many different factions have arisen. Now is the time for you to reunite the Kingdom, but this time under YOUR banner!
Vial of Life
The King of Kyran has an extremely rare disease which can only be cured with the Vial of Life Blood. Find the vial and bring it to the King to win the game.
The region where the Stin and Devos Rivers meet is populated by eight Warlords who are constantly battling for control of the region. The winner of this struggle will dominate the region and control trade for four nations.
Warlords! (Allies)
The region where the Stin and Devos Rivers meet is populated by four pairs of Warlords who are constantly battling for control of the region. The winner of this struggle will dominate the region and control trade for four nations.
Xathras’s Prize
The fabled Dungeon City of Xathras is searching for the Grail. To speed the search, the Council of Xathras is offering a fabulous reward for anyone who can bring the Grail to their city.
Brave New World
A great upheaval shook the very foundations of the world, breaking apart continents and dividing territories in new ways. After the earth stood still once more the people crawled out from their hiding places and have begun to rebuild in this Brave New World.
Brave New World (Allies)
A great upheaval shook the very foundations of the world, breaking apart continents and dividing territories in new ways. After the earth stood still once more the people crawled out from their hiding places and have begun to rebuild in this Brave New World.
Kingdom for Sale
The Island kingdom of Light is offering estates to nearby lords… for a price. Can you successfully buy out (and eventually kick out) all the competition?
Kingdom for Sale (Allies)
The Island kingdom of Light is offering estates to nearby lords… for a price. Can you successfully buy out (and eventually kick out) all the competition?
Land of Titans
The Titan King has sent out a proclamation: defeat him in 5 months and become ruler of his land. Do you have what it takes to defeat him within that time frame or will you go down like the rest?
Ограничение времени в описании карты (5 месяцев) не соответствует настройкам карты (4 месяца). |
Land of Titans (Allies)
The Titan King has sent out a proclamation: defeat him in 4 months and become ruler of his land. Do you have what it takes to defeat him within that time frame or will you go down like the rest?
Loss of Innocence
For years the separate countries have lived in peace. Now, the other lords are planning to kill everyone that stands in their way. You must stop the other lords from ever thinking about conquering this land again.
Loss of Innocence (Allies)
For years the separate countries have lived in peace. But now two strong lords have joined forces and are planning to kill everyone that stands in their way. The other lords have also joined forces. You and your ally must stop the other lords from ever thinking about conquering this land again.
Meeting in Muzgob
Once a year all of the leaders from each kingdom gather together at the town of Muzgob. What the leaders discuss while they are there is unknown to everyone but them. Upon your leader’s return he pulled you aside and in a very simple voice said, «Prepare for war!»
Meeting in Muzgob (Allies)
Once a year all of the leaders from each kingdom gather together at the town of Muzgob. What the leaders discuss while they are there is unknown to everyone but them. Upon your leader’s return he pulled you aside and in a very simple voice said, «Prepare for war!»
South of Hell
The Brochure from the land to the north reads: «Come join us! Hell’s not so bad. We have heated pools, warm mud baths…» Needless to say you have turned their offer down and now they have decided to take the southern lands by force.
South of Hell (Allies)
The Brochure from the land to the north reads: «Come join us! Hell’s not so bad. We have heated pools, warm mud baths…» Needless to say you have turned their offer down and now they have decided to take the southern lands by force.
The Gauntlet
Can you survive «The Gauntlet»?, a grueling race against time to defeat the five lords allied against you. The good news is that you will only have to fight one at a time, the bad news is that each is fairly tough. This one is not for the timid.
Battle of the Sexes
For ages men and women have lived in separate worlds, operating under different laws. Now they are living in separate castles, openly fighting the battle of the sexes that started centuries ago. Women have taken up the Red and Green Banners, and men have taken up the Blue and Tan banners.
В обеих «Битвах Полов» отключены все герои Сопряжения, однако играть за Сопряжение можно. Тот, кто играет за Сопряжение, получает начального героя из другого города.
На карте неправильно настроена Кирре: это женщина, но нанимать её могут только синий и коричневый игроки («игроки-мужчины» по сценарию карты). |
Battle of the Sexes (Allies)
For ages men and women have lived in separate worlds, operating under different laws. Now they are living in separate castles, openly fighting the battle of the sexes that started centuries ago. Women have taken up the Red and Green Banners, and men have taken up the Blue and Tan banners.
Good Witch, Bad Witch
Gulcheria, the bad witch of the east, has decided to expand her borders by calling for reinforcements, warlocks from the far south. If these reinforcements arrive, all is lost. Being Glinda, the good witch of the west, you must stop her before time runs out
Island King
The king has died. He left seven sons and each of them feels entitled to the throne. The rivalry between them is heating up to a battle rage as they gather their supporters and rally them to their causes. The kingdom will surely fragment if the issue of the succession is not decided soon.
Island King (Allies)
The king has died. He left seven sons and each of them feels entitled to the throne. The rivalry between them is heating up to a battle rage as they gather their supporters and rally them to their causes. The kingdom will surely fragment if the issue of the succession is not decided soon.
Monk’s Retreat
The monks who have ruled this area of the world for years have finally been pushed back to their home islands. As one of the lords newly freed by the monk’s retreat, you feel it is your job to unite these lands under your rule.
Monk’s Retreat (Allies)
The monks who have ruled this area of the world for years have finally been pushed back to their home islands. As one of the lords newly freed by the monk’s retreat, you feel it is your job to unite these lands under your teams rule.
Peaceful Ending
Trade has been the key to peace for as long as everyone can remember. Everything was going well until one nation stopped trading with the others, their reasons unknown. War broke out, for nations desperately needed resources, and it has raged ever since. A peace must be reached.
Peaceful Ending (Allies)
Trade has been the key to peace for as long as everyone can remember. Everything was going well until one nation stopped trading with the others, their reasons unknown. War broke out, for nations desperately needed resources, and it has raged ever since. A peace must be reached.
Pestilence Lake
Pestilence Lake is located in a valley deep in a foreboding mountain range. You have always felt your lack of neighbors was an advantage to your location. Recently several Lords have moved into the area. Now they are trying to push you out. You plan to shove them out instead!
Pestilence Lake (Allies)
Pestilence Lake is located in a valley deep in a foreboding mountain range. You thought only having one neighbor was an advantage to your location. Recently, another Lord moved into the area. Now he is trying to push you and your ally out. You plan to shove him out instead!
Rise of the Phoenix
The First Phoenix has risen again in this region of the world, interrupting a long-standing war between four lords. Defeating the First Phoenix would be a great honor, and if you were to do so the other lords would surely give up the fight and bow down to you.
Rise of the Phoenix (Allies)
The First Phoenix has risen again in this region of the world, interrupting a long-standing war between two sets of lords. Defeating the First Phoenix would be a great honor, and if one allied side were to do so the other side would surely give up the fight and bow down to the victors.
The Battle of Daeyan’s Ford
In the early days of yore, six armies met on the field of battle near the river fork called Daeyan’s Ford. They fought a battle so bloody and drawn out that the fields lay fallow for years afterward. This is the story of that epic war’s most costly conflict.
Очень большие карты (XL | ОБ | 144×144) |
Myth and Legend
You are a God. Scaring mortals, granting wishes and generally mucking about Greece has been great fun, but with all fun it eventually turns to boredom. Fortunately Autolycus has provided you and the other gods with some amusement. He has stolen the Titan’s Cuirass and you must find it first.
Карта есть в Restoration of Erathia и отсутствует в Complete Edition.
Возможно, что изначально предполагалась возможность играть за любой из 8 цветов: в городах синего и коричневого остались несколько чисто текстовых событий. |
Race for Ardintinny
You and four other lords covet Medallion Bay, a profitable trade route. Before your opponents or before six months is up you must take control of Ardintinny, the town controlling Medallion Bay.
Serpent’s Treasure
In ages past dragons ruled this realm, can they rule again? (with your help of course)
The Mandate of Heaven
Devils have invaded and it is up to you to win back the Mandate of Heaven for the faltering Ironfist Dynasty
Unholy Quest
Deep below the surface lurk monsters the likes of which no one has ever seen. Word is that the monsters are preparing to rise from the depths and lay claim to the surface world. Go forth and slay their evil armies before they grow too large. You may be the world’s only hope!
Life was relatively peaceful until the three lords across the sea decided to team up and declare war on you. Build up before they invade but watch out for your neighbors who might have different ideas.
Pandora’s Box
Hades has taken a vacation, leaving some of his minions in charge. For a little while things went well, but now it seems something drastic has happened down there. If he does not return soon or someone doesn’t fix whatever the problem is, then Greece will be buried in the dead.
Tale of Two Lands
The continents of East and West Varesburg have decided to wage war one last time. Taking control of one continent and then moving to the other is the best strategy in this battle for both Varesburgs.
Tale of Two Lands (Allies)
The continents of East and West Varesburg have decided to wage war one last time. Securing the resources of your continent (with help from your ally) and then moving onto the other as quickly as possible is the best stategy for the battle of the Varesburgs.
Thousand Islands
An evil wizard has cast a spell that has caused volcanoes to erupt on the islands of Norkko. The people are in a state of panic and no one knows who the evil wizard is. These vicious volcanoes destroy entire towns. Someone must find him and destroy him.
Thousand Islands (Allies)
An evil wizard has cast a spell that has caused volcanoes to erupt on the islands of Norkko. The people are in a state of panic and no one knows who the evil wizard is. These vicious volcanoes destroy entire towns. Someone must find him and destroy him.
War of the Mighty
Rumors abound about horrible monsters waiting underground. Your spies tell you your neighbors are trying to recruit them so they can conquer your lands. You have no choice but to take your neighbors lands and secure the underground. Your territory is vast. Soon it will be larger.
War of the Mighty (Allies)
Rumors abound about horrible monsters waiting underground. Your spies tell you two of your neighbors are trying to recruit them so they can conquer your lands. You have allied with the other neighbor. The two of you plan to launch a preemptive strike to destroy your enemies.
Back for Revenge
Rumor has it thousands of years ago the last of the Behemoths went into the mountains to hide from hunters and trappers. Now the Behemoths have come for their revenge. The villages around the mountains need your help killing the ancient beasts.
Back for Revenge (Allies)
Rumor has it thousands of years ago the last of the Behemoths went into the mountains to hide from hunters and trappers. Now the Behemoths have come for their revenge. The villages around the mountains need your help killing the ancient beasts.
Eons ago, three nations were defeated by invaders and driven from their ancestral lands. The victorious nation has since split into several smaller kingdoms. Now, the ancient peoples of the land are returning to seize back their homelands. However, you refuse to let them take back what you own.
Reclamation (Allies)
Eons ago, three nations were defeated by invaders and driven from their ancestral lands. The victorious nation has since split into several smaller kingdoms. Now, the ancient peoples of the land are returning to seize back their homelands. However, you refuse to let them take back what you own.
Viking We Shall Go!
The Place: Europe
The Time: The Dark Ages
Vikings have begun their raids while the kings of Europe take the opportunity to grab land from their neighbors.
Viking We Shall Go! (Allies)
The Place: Europe
The Time: The Dark Ages
Vikings have begun their raids while the kings of Europe take the opportunity to grab land from their neighbors.
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